In The Event of a Life-Threatening Emergency, Please Dial 911.

We do not provide crisis line or emergency services. If this is a crisis situation, please call your local crisis line, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital emergency service.

Local Crisis Lines:

Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health
24 Hour Bilingual

Los Angeles County Human Services Hotline
Dial “211”
24 Hours Bilingual

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
24 Hour – Local Referrals
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
1-888-628-9454 (En Espanol)
1-800-799-4TTY (4889)

Didi Hirsch – Suicide Prevention Hotline
877-7-CRISIS or 877-727-4747

Teen Line
800-TLC-TEEN (852-8336)

California Youth Crisis Line
24 Hours Bilingual

The Soldiers Project

The Trevor Project
866-4- U-TREVOR (866-488-7386)

Asian Pacific Counseling and Treatment Centers
213-252-2100 (Multilingual)

Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center

Orange County Crisis/Suicide Prevention Hotline (877) 7-CRISIS or (877) 727-474724 hours 7 days/week

Orange County Adult Mental Health Services:

Evaluation and Treatment Services: (714) 834-6900

Crisis Line for People with Disabilities: (800)-426-4263
Domestic Violence Hotline: (800)-799-7233 24-Hrs.

Rape Crisis Hotline: (714)-957-2737 24 Hrs.

Sexual Assault Victim Services: (714)-834-4317

The OC Warm Line (877)-910-WARM
(Daily from 8 a.m. to 12 midnight or Live Chat available at www.namioc.org)

Managed Care Outpatient Services: (800)-723-8641

Children and Youth Services: (714)-834-5015

Child Abuse Registry: (714)-940-1000

Orange County Centralized Assessment Team (CAT): (866) 830-6011

Orange County Outreach and Engagement – Adults: (714) 517-6355

Orange County Outreach and Engagement – Children: (714) 480-4670

County of Orange Behavioral Health Services Information and Referral Line 855-OC-LINKS (855) 625-4657 (714) 834-2332 (TDD)

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.


Crisis and Hotline Telephone Numbers (24-Hour Services Unless Otherwise Indicated)

Los Angeles Crisis Hotlines:

Suicide Prevention Center (24 Hours)…….213-381-5111
Suicide Prevention Crisis Center…….310-391-1253 (24 Hours)
Assaults Against Women Hotline………310-392-8381 (24 Hours — L.A. County)
Women and Children Crisis Shelter………..562-945-3939 (24 Hours)
Child Abuse Hotline…………800-540-4000 (LA. County Dept of Children’s Services)
Rape Treatment Center (24 Hours)……….310-319-4000
Alcoholics Anonymous (24 Hours)……….213-936-4343
Cocaine Anonymous (24 Hours)…………310-216-4444
Narcotics Anonymous (24 Hours)……….909-622-4274

National Crisis Hotlines:

Alcohol and Drug Helpline – Provides referrals to local facilities where adolescents and adults can seek help. Brief intervention. 1-800-821-4357

Child Abuse National Hotline, call 1-800-252-2873, 1-800-25ABUSE

Child Abuse: To report call 1-800-4-A-CHILD

Cocaine National Hotline 1-800-COCAINE

Children in immediate risk or danger 1-800-THE-LOST

Covenant House Nineline – Crisis line for youth, teens, and families. Locally based referrals throughout the United States. Help for youth and parents regarding drugs, abuse, homelessness, runaway children, and message relays. 1-800-999-9999

CyberTipline for reporting the exploitation of children. 1-800-843-5678

Domestic Violence Resource Hotline – referrals for shelters and
counseling in your area. 1-800-799-7233 1-800-787-3224 (TDD)

Elder Abuse Hotline 1-800-252-8966

Friends of Battered Women and Their Children, 1-800-603-HELP

Kid Help – Children and adolescents in crisis will receive immediate help. Referrals to shelters, mental health services, sexual abuse treatment, substance abuse, family counseling, residential care, adoption/foster care, etc. 1-800-543-7283

NAMI Helpline National Alliance for the Mentally Ill 1-800-950-NAMI

National Youth Crisis Hotline 1-800-448-4663

National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-25-ABUSE

National Mental Health Assn. Provides free information on specific disorders, referral directory to mental health providers, national directory of local mental health associations 1-800-969-6642 (M-F, 9-5 EST)

National Institute of Mental Health Information Line: Provides information and literature on mental illness by disorder-for professionals and general public. 1-800-647-2642

Runaway Switchboard – National – Provides crisis intervention and travel assistance to runaways. Gives referrals to shelters nationwide. Also relays messages to, or sets up conference calls with, parents at the request of the child. Has access to AT&T-Language Line. hours. 1-800-621-4000

SAFE (Self-Abuse Finally Ends) 1-800-DONT-CUT, 1-800-366-8288

Youth Crisis Hotline: Crisis hotline and information & referral for runaways or youth in crisis 1-800-HIT-HOME, 1-800-448-4663


+1 (310) 500 8442

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1550 Bayside Dr
Corona Del Mar, CA 92625
Phone: +1 (310) 500 8442
Email Us

Florida Headquarters

150 E Palmetto Park Road, Suite 800 Boca Raton, FL 33432
Phone: 1+ (561) 816 7360
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