Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Counseling in Beverly Hills and Laguna Beach, CA

What you need to be aware of regarding OCD

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common, long-term condition characterized by thoughts which make you feel anxious that are labeled as obsessions and behaviors you employ to reduce this anxiety is labeled as compulsions.

Anxiety-provoking thoughts can consume the mind and will not go away, in spite of your best efforts to avoid them.

Thoughts could focus on germ contamination, or possibly that someone will be injured in some way due to your negligence. You might see pictures in your mind of violent or sexual images, which may be totally unlike anything you may think about; however, you do not act upon these depictions.

To help minimize the anxiety created by these negative thoughts, you might have obsessive rituals like washing hands excessively, constant checking, and continuously asking for reassurance from others, which can be disruptive and annoying to them.

OCD has the potential to impede life to such a significant extent that depression can also be an additional issue, as well as harm personal and professional relationships in significant and sometimes irreparable ways.

OCD can be diagnosed if the obsessions and compulsions require inordinate amounts of time (approx. more than an hour), cause significant distress and negatively affect daily functioning in domestic life, school, work, social life, as well as relationships.

If you struggle with any of the issues mentioned, you may derive benefit from making an appointment with an OCD therapist.

What is counseling for OCD?

Counseling and psychotherapy can be highly effective in overcoming the obsessive compulsive disorder.

Counseling treatments for OCD include working through a therapy program to manage the obsessions and related rituals which preserve the disorder.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, in particular, has been proven to reduce intrusive thoughts as well as diminishing compulsive behaviors.

In the safe and non-judgmental space of the therapy office, you and your therapist will start to distinguish anxiety from reality, and examine automatic intrusive thoughts, rupturing the familiar cycle between these thoughts and destructive compulsions.

You and your therapist can examine the underlying causes of your OCD, making sure that these challenges have been addressed to reduce possible future episodes.

All activities explored during the therapy session will be geared to your pace, and you will not be made to activities that you do not wish to do.

Benefits of counseling and psychotherapy for OCD:

  • Makes you aware of the root causes of your OCD
  • Processes the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors which perpetuate the repetitive sequences of OCD
  • Provides self-understanding and insight, including pinpointing triggers
  • Develops tailor-made coping strategies to substitute safety behaviors.

OCD treatment at Reconnect Relationship™ Therapy, in Beverly Hills & Laguna Beach, CA

Reconnect Relationship Therapy’s network includes specialist therapists and psychiatry referrals offering addiction treatment and counseling in Beverly Hills and Laguna Beach, CA.

Reconnect Relationship Therapy in Beverly Hills & Laguna Beach, CA will pair you up with a therapist knowledgeable in treating obsessive compulsive disorder. As a team, you will talk about and process the underlying causes of your obsessions and/or rituals and get familiar with the tools and habits that lead to a healthier life.

Call us for a chat to see how we can assist you with your OCD or someone you know who needs some help and support, or complete our Drop Us A Line form to make an appointment.


+1 (310) 500 8442


If you are a journalist writing about OCD Counseling, do get in touch – we may be able to comment or provide a pull quote from a professional therapist.

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